even though it hurts2 know that while loving u, ur loving some1 else. its ok coz i didn't luv u bec. u luv me but just bec. iluvu
knowing u s probably 1 of d 1derful things dat happnd 2 me although i know dat we cant b 2gether at tyms, its enough dat i hav u in my heart and mind
dey say I nid treasure maps 2 find treasure, bt I proved 2 dem it's wrong coz evn w/o a map I found you! nd you wil b treasured 4evr
Everyday i walk towards you, hoping that id somehow get to be with u, for at least a moment...but its hard 4 me to catch up with u if ur also trying to catch up with someone else...
Sometimes love is so unfair. the more u sacrifice, the more ur hurt, and wen u feel uve given your best, it stil seems not enuf til such time u had no choice but to give up...
If i have 1 wish, i'll wish for you, to be the one who'll take care of you, for you to love me too. but love cant be forced, it mst be given freely so id just wish that u knew how much i love you.
i wrote ur name in the sky but the wind blew it away. i wrote ur name in the sand but the tide brush it away so i wrote ur name in my heart wer nothing and nobody can erase it.
wen u follow ur heart, worry not wer it leads u. ur heart knows d wayand if u do get lost or reach a dead end, use ur head to lead ur heart back home.
im miserable...all for just TWO reasons!!! 1)YOU'RE THERE 2) IM HERE....
D sky was blue... i thought of you. a cool wind blew... i thought of you. a leaf fell too... i thought of you. its wat i do... i think of you!
evn tho I knw u cn handle ur lyf on ur own, dat dsnt kip me frm being concrnd and wnting 2 b hir 4 u.... so pls no mater wat, hold on 2 dis 1 thot: I'M HERE 4 U!
if i were a bear wud u hug me? if i were a cookie wud u eat me? if i wer a painting wud u stop and look at me? if i say i miss u wud u say u miss me too?
when situations get you down, remember that there issomeone in HEAVEn who loves you and watches over you and there is someone in EARTH who cares for you . . .I DO!
i may b 2 inocent 2 knw wat lov is, i may nt show u d way u knw it, i may nt lov u d way i shld be, bt im always wiling 2 lov u d way i understand it!!
When I saw you, I was afraid to look at you. When I looked at you, I was afraid to touch you. When I touched you, I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.
If you hesitate when I hold your hand, I'll let you go. If you run away when I give you a kiss, I'll let you go. But once you let me give you a hug, just once... I'll never let you go.
The shortest word i know is "I",the sweetest word i know is "LOVE" & the person i can never forget is "YOU",SO I LOVE YOU.
ì wÄs ÄSkÉd wÄtS sWÉÉt N wöñDéRfüL? ì ÄNs. ìtS ù! WÄTs LùV ìTs wät ì FÉél 4 ü! WåtS lìfÉ? ìTs wÄT ì DÉPÉñd öN ü! NöW ì KñOw WÄts ÉVryThNg... ìTs ü!
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